2021 prompts for #SeptTextileLove

Are you ready to celebrate textiles with #SeptTextileLove tomorrow?

All you need is some gorgeous images of textiles, an Instagram account and to make sure that you use the hashtag #SeptTextileLove to join in.

The prompts are here and also on our Instagram page @seam_collective – we hope you will enjoy our choices this year. If you are feeling organised you can also download our pdf planner.

There is a different prompt for each day in September. As always, you can respond to as many or as few prompts as you wish on Instagram – they are all about sharing a different aspect of your love of textiles each day. We love how everyone interprets our prompts differently, tells their own textile stories, and takes part in textile conversations.

Remember use the hashtag #SeptTextileLove so we, and everyone participating, can find your posts, like and comment on them, and talk textiles! (It’s also helpful if you include the prompt you are responding to, as sometimes different time zones can make it difficult to tell which post is for which day or prompt.)

You can take part from anywhere in the world – #SeptTextileLove is open to everyone who loves textiles and has an Instagram account. You may have just started making, you may have been an enthusiast for a while, or you may be a professional – everyone is welcome. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your textiles, talking about textiles, and meeting up with participants from previous years and seeing how your work has changed this year.

Our prompts always start with introductions to you and your work, and what you are doing now. We have tried to take out some of the prompts that are too similar to each other in previous years and added some new ones. There are always new ways to think about textiles and making – we couldn’t believe we haven’t used ‘floral’ and ‘geometric’ before!

See you tomorrow on Instagram!

Penny Wheeler